miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016

Open position on Nanotechnology / Materials Science at UDLAP

Academic Positions
Vacancy Notice

Title: Full-time professor
Field of Knowledge:  PhD in Nanotechnology, Materials Science
Organizational Unit: School of Sciences, Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences.
Primary location: Universidad de las Américas Puebla at San Andrés Cholula, Puebla. México.
Type of contract: Fixed term
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Fringe benefits: Health insurance, pension and retirement benefits.
Teaching load: 6-8 courses per year, depending on research productivity.

Overview of the functions of the position
The applicant will teach, conduct research and advise in his/her area(s) of expertise. Essential responsibilities include:
·         To teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels and lead instructional activities specified in the approved curriculum and in the faculty bylaws. These activities include lecturing, leading seminars, individual and group tutoring, writing and correcting exams, correcting papers and reports and conducting and supervising evaluation activities;
·         To participate in departmental and school activities, including meetings, committees, course and program evaluation, curriculum development, and grant preparation;
·         To provide academic support and advising to students;
  • To undertake cutting edge research in order to contribute to the intellectual mission of the university and to the consolidation of the Doctoral programs and their corresponding research lines;
·         To participate in calls for research proposals;
·         To participate in inter-institutional and/or interdisciplinary research projects linked to regional and national companies and/or to internationally recognized institutions;
·         To participate in the National System of Researchers (SNI - Sistema Nacional de Investigadores) or the National System of Art Creators (SNCA - Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte);
·         To publish research achievements or artistic creation projects.

Required qualifications
  • Advanced university degree (Ph.D. or equivalent) in Nanotechnology or materials science.
Description: Experience in a field related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, particularly with strong teachers, experimental and research skills in the areas of Materials Chemistry, Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Molecular Engineering, Materials Simulation and/or Nanomedicine, among others; the candidate should also have previous experience in academic verifiable, creative and research activities as well as strong leadership in their profession.
Teaching experience in: Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, material science, nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology, material nanotechnology, nanotechnology and society.
Research Areas: Synthesis and characterization of new materials (nanomaterials) with biomedical, environmental and/or energy applications   

Work Experience
  • At least 3 years of relevant scientific research experience at the national and international levels.
  • At least 3 years of undergraduate or graduate teaching.
  • Experience in the design, implementation and management of research projects.
  • Demonstrated professional experience in the field of expertise.
  • Experience in the design and implementation of research projects in the field of expertise.
  • Ability to teach and advise undergraduate and graduate students;
  • Excellent analytical skills. Ability to collect, summarize and analyze information from various sources. Proven ability to work effectively in a multidisciplinary and international environment.
  • Capacity to build and maintain partnerships with internal and external institutions and companies.
  • Ability to communicate effectively on technical and scientific issues in English and Spanish.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Spanish.
  • English and Spanish.

Desirable qualifications
Work Experience
  • Proven experience in teaching and/or mentoring undergraduate or graduate students.

Posting date: August 02nd, 2016
The University will contact you as soon as the process concludes
Position to start: Spring 2017 semester

Application instructions:

Send cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) and three letters of recommendation to the Office for Research and Graduate Studies: direccion.investigacion@udlap.mx and eugenio.sanchez@udlap.mx

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Fallece Sir Harold Kroto, Premio Nobel de Química 1996 y co-descubridor del C60

El científico y premio Nobel de Química Harold Kroto, fotografiado en Londres el pasado enero.

Se nos adelanta en este viaje llamado vida un gran científico: Sir Harold "Harry" Kroto, quién falleció el sábado 30 de Abril, a los 76 años de edad. Le sobrevive Margaret, su esposa por más de 50 años y sus dos hijos.

Durante los últimos 2 años intentamos traerlo a visitar la UDLAP, extendiéndole una invitación durante una visita que hizo hace un par de años a la Universidad Iberoamericana en la ciudad de México (UIA-CDMX). Allá tuvimos el privilegio de que nos permitieran acompañarle, junto a Margaret, Mauricio Terrones y varios otros colegas y estudiantes a una comida muy íntima y sencilla en un restaurante cercano (al que llegamos caminando, mientras platicábamos). Ahí charlamos sobre futbol, arte, educación y, por supuesto, ciencia. Fue fascinante conocer su manera única de pensar, escucharlo opinar sobre lo que significa hacer ciencia y la importancia de que la educación científica se convierta en un modelo que permita a la gente liberarse de muchas muletas mentales que le limitan y hacen difícil a la sociedad avanzar. Ateo ferviente y de batalla, fue muy entretenido verle discutir en un foro en el cuál el pensamiento religioso (la Ibero, de jesuitas, a fin de cuentas) era el trasfondo, pero fue muy reconfortante escuchar opiniones y puntos de vista respetuosos y tolerantes.

Enfermo en sus últimos años, diagnosticado con una enfermedad neuro-degenerativa, permaneció activo, limitado físicamente, pero siempre lleno de ideas y energía hasta sus últimos días.

Comparto este reportaje/entrevista que le hizo el diario El País hace unos meses, en Enero de 2016, y en la cuál se muestra su actitud única ante la vida y sus ideas revolucionarias.

Descansa en paz Harry, te extrañaremos.


martes, 26 de abril de 2016

Mauricio Terrones reconocido con la 2016 Faculty Scholar Medals for Outstanding Achievement en Penn State

"...Colleagues say in five years Terrones has transformed the University into an “internationally recognized mecca for research on two-dimensional materials...”

"...Terrones led the charge to create Penn State’s Center for 2-Dimensional and Layered Materials, which has made the University a forefront player in the field, according to researchers at Harvard, MIT, Columbia and Cambridge. Since 2013, he’s been the center’s director..."

Estos son solo algunas de las afirmaciones que acompañan este reconocimiento que ha recibido nuestro colega Mauricio Terrones en PSU. Felicidades por sus logros y que sean una motivación para todos aquellos que enfrentando las dificultades que significa el hacer ciencia, las vencen una por una. 
Estamos seguros que reconocimientos como éste, afirman de que lado se encuentra la verdad y que con el tiempo, permitirán dar certidumbre al episodio histórico que llevó a su salida del país.
